Category: Pinoy Life

  • Cape: A New Social Travel Booking App

    Social travel booking app Cape wants to make it easier and cheaper for passengers to travel by giving them the ability to book standby tickets for local and international flights, a privilege previously unavailable to the general public. The Android and iOS app enables travelers to book standby tickets from the comfort of their mobile…

  • Random Thoughts: University and Dormitory

    In two week’s time, my cousin will graduate from Year 12 and will start University life soon. I can still remember my own high school graduation and start of College and how life has been through the years. In most of the Western countries, it is usual that students who are taking their tertiary education…

  • Western Union Reunions

    Disclosure: This post contains sponsored links. I’ve been in Australia for more than a year already and I’ve seen a lot of Filipinos around Sydney. I’m sure there are heaps of Filos (short term for Filipinos) in other suburbs and regions of NSW as well as the other states of Australia but I will just…

  • Christmas Routine

    In less than a week’s time, it will be one of the grand celebrations in the world… Christmas Day! Everyone is so prepped up and excited for this season. A season of joy and love. It is really nice to celebrate it with family and friends. What are you up to for this Christmas? As…

  • Let’s all help the Philippines! #YolandPH

    The whole world knows the super typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan that hit Tacloban, Central Philippines that caused a massive destruction in the country. The victims badly need our help! Here are some of the information and images I’ve collated regarding the matter. There are many ways on how to extend our help, just choose whatever is applicable…

  • Happy Heart’s Day 2013

    Today is the ever mushy-kilig-twinkling eyes day! Hahaha! It’s Valentine’s Day! Some of you will celebrate, some of you won’t. Nevertheless, it’s hearts day today. Join us in celebrating today’s special day in Social Media! A simple note, quote, wish or anything you want to say this valentine’s day in twitter, always include #DearKupido! 🙂…

  • Lenten Season 2013

    “Remember, Man is dust, and unto dust you shall return.” The Roman Catholic tradition dictates that Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of this 40-day liturgical period of prayer and fasting. Today, we Catholic Christians celebrate Ash Wednesday where we go to hear mass and let the priest or the lay ministers mark our foreheads with…

  • Pope Benedict XVI’s Resignation

    Pope Benedict XVI is the next Pope after Pope John Paul II. At first I called him Pope Ratzinger, a strong and scary name for me. Although I wanted to see PJP II during my first World Youth Day celebration as a a pilgrim, it was nice to experience how the new Pope was during…

  • Kung Hei Fat Choi – 2013: Year of the Water Snake

    Today marks the start of the Chinese New Year 2013. If you go to Chinatown (in all over the world, not only in the Philippines), you’ll probably enjoy the dragon and lion dance that is always present during their celebration. I’m not sure what it symbolizes but I think it brings them good luck. This…

  • Happy Feast Day Don Bosco!

    “Run, jump, make noise, But do not sin…” –St. John Bosco Today is the feast day of St. John Bosco. He is known to be the “Father and Teacher of Youth”. He was an Italian Roman Catholic priest and educator who put into practice his religion, dedicating his life for the betterment and education of…