I always love to watch Disney Movies, you can even ask my close friends and they’ll definitely won’t deny it. It’s just nice to see movies that has its unique lessons every time.
I really don’t know Hannah Montana. We don’t have a cable that’s why I haven’t seen her tv show in Disney channel. I got to hear about her because of entertainment and the news about her. She’s a celebrity! :p
I personally like the song “The Climb“, and I was even surprised when I learned that it’s Miley Cyrus’ singing that song. It tells us the truth about life. I don’t know, it’s a good encouragement song I guess. The movie talks about someone who is having the best of both worlds and sometimes, sacrifices are made just to protect her image. It’s kinda funny ‘coz we’re just talking about “pleasing others” a while ago and then the message of God in Facebook then now the movie tells something like that.
As we all know, we really can’t please others. I know someone who was a “Yes” man, meaning she says yes to everyone without thinking of the consequences of her actions. She just wants to please everybody and then sacrificing her own happiness or even for her friends or family’s sake. Then after some time, she realizes that she needs to learn to reject some of them. She’s a work in progress but I’m proud to say that she have improved a lot. 🙂
Anyways, I liked the movie though I don’t like Miley that much. Well, at least she portrayed her role well. Pretty well I guess. I like the family support, her bestfriend and everyone in town. It always makes me smile seeing close families singing, eating, dancing and enjoying each one’s company. At this generation, it’s very rare to see families like that. It’s a gift if you have one, you’re very lucky.
I cried when Miley sang the song she wrote for her dad, when her dad sacrificed his love for the girl. It was touching. I hope every family does that. I hope someday my family will be that close. I just want to let this out. Sorry. Hehe. :p
I recommend you to see this movie. It’s a good one with moral lesson! Keep it up Disney films! You’re doing a great job. 🙂
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