Movie 2012: Mirror Mirror

Movie Cast

Julia Roberts as The Queen
Lily Collins as Snow White
Armie Hammer as Prince Alcot
Nathan Lane as Brighton

To view the whole cast: Check IMDB

Movie Synopsis

An evil queen steals control of a kingdom and an exiled princess enlists the help of seven resourceful rebels to win back her birthright.

Moral Lesson

Be Strong and Know your Rights. ๐Ÿ™‚

My Reaction

I actually had fun watching the movie, on contrary with the negative comments I see on the internet. Well, it’s always a case to case basis. I am always an avid fan of fairy tales and this is not an exception. I personally liked the costumes, it was colorful and catchy! ๐Ÿ™‚ However, some parts are dull and I think they only used 3 locations for the whole movie.

The story has a modern twist, not like I used to know. I never thought that their kingdom would be on a top of a mountain. I do like the new version of the “Mirror”. It startled me when The Queen went to the other side without being drenched considering she came out of the sea. The 7 dwarfs were miners but in the movie, they were bandits. Well, they explained why they became one. And finally, the Prince’s first kiss was totally different.

All in all, it was a good movie. You better watch out for the ending if you want to have a total laugh trip. I wonder why they incorporated that after the movie. It looked like a Bollywood movie afterwards.


Have you seen the movie? Do you like the modern version of Snow White?


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