It’s Time winner basks in financial freedom under the Sun

By: Tara Cabullo
(Just got this from It’s Time! Facebook Page)

All it took was her dreams, five referrals, and a pledge. Now, Kathleen Madula gets to experience the rewards of financial security as the grand winner of Sun Life Financial Philippines’ (SLFP) It’s Time to Tell a Friend promo. The island paradise of Boracay awaits her for a 3-days and 2-nights stay at the Boracay Regency Lagoon.

However, the trip is mere frosting on top of her financial cake. This advocate believes in the value of insurance, investment, and choosing the right partner for a brighter tomorrow. And her journey begins by basking under the warmth of the Sun.

A commitment

Even before learning of the contest, Madula was already thinking of ways on how to grow her money. Then she remembered the It’s Time billboard along C-5 and quickly visited the website, where she learned more about investment opportunities available in the country.

“Money is inevitable in this life we live in. We have the right to enjoy our life and money helps you achieve your dreams,” said Madula. She plans to avail of a health insurance plan, considering it a priority. Moreover, she wants to provide financial security for her family through an insurance policy.

Plan of action

According to her pledge, her dreams include setting up her own business and investing in real estate. Of course, she does not want her dreams to remain as mere wishful thinking. So Madula is now practicing the art of managing her finances. In fact, she has her own breakdown of funds, which she follows as much as possible:

Tithe Fund (charity and church) 10%
Expense Fund (personal expenses.) 25%
Support Fund (expenses for family) 15%
Emergency Fund (for emergency purposes) 20%
Retirement Fund (bonds, mutual funds, savings) 30%

Towards financial freedom

With her plan already put into place, Madula recognizes how discipline and a dependable partner can pave the way to financial freedom. For her insurance and investment needs, she would entrust her future with SLFP. “Sun Life is running the business for more than a hundred years already. I’ve heard thru friends as well as read in papers and online positive feedback about this company. That’s why I’m very much interested with Sun Life,” she explained.

Madula also encourages fellow young professionals to take the first step in fulfilling and protecting their dreams. There are financial products that could suit everyone’s needs, including references that can be freely accessed online, such as the It’s Time advocacy.

“One only needs to stand up and make an effort to learn about it. It’s not as hard as it seems to be. You’ll be thankful once you learn how to manage your money well. It’s time to take action and make your dreams into reality,” she advised.


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