One of the best thrilling, mind boggling and action filled movie I ever watched is Taken 1. And now, a sequel was made.. it shouldn’t be missed!

Movie Cast
Liam Neeson … Bryan Mills
Maggie Grace … Kim
Famke Janssen … Lenore

See the whole cast at iMDB.

Movie Synopsis
In Istanbul, retired CIA operative Bryan Mills and his wife are taken hostage by the father of a kidnapper Mills killed while rescuing his daughter.

Moral Lesson
Always focus and have a clear mind even under pressure. Hahaha!

Make time to go out and have fun as a family. ๐Ÿ™‚

My Reaction
Again, Taken 2 didn’t disappoint me. The adrenalin rush, the excitement, the suspense, the action, everything! It’s just awesome!

The daughter, Kim was more beautiful this time than before. However, her boyfriend is not that handsome. Hehe ๐Ÿ™‚ The wife’s relationship with her current partner was a little bit out of the picture and the whole movie was focused with the family.

The gadgets, the way how he let her daughter track them, the mini cellphone and the GPS-like mind where he was able to search where they were kidnapped was so unbelievable. I’m not sure if someone like him really exists. Maybe they do but I’m not aware. If I were to know someone like Liam Neeson, that would be incredible! How did one train to be like that? Simply astonishing.

The gun shooting, the grenade, the killing and all those tortures are still very much vivid. Since those were essential for the movie, I don’t mind. I can choose to cover my eyes during those scenes.

Over all, the movie was great. The love and care for the family is very much highlighted in the movie. The time you spend for your family is essential to maintain a close bond with each other. No matter how busy each member are, it is still good to make time for the family.

Have you watched it? How do you find the movie?

Special thanks to Nuffnang Philippines for the movie screening in partnership with Kojie-san Men! Till the next movie nights ๐Ÿ™‚


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