Good Luck to my future DOCTOR friends

I’ve always admired my friends who took up Medicine School. It took them a lot of patience, strength and perseverance to finish Medicine. And now, this August 7-8 and 14-15, they will all take their board exams to be a certified doctor!

After years of studying, exposure to all kinds of bacteria, sickness and all those medical jargon, they will finally go through their last and most important exam that will surely change the rest of their lives.


These are my dear friends who really wants to be a doctor and I wish them all the luck on the day of their exams. I will surely include them in my prayers.

Zeny Gomez & Genevive Arenillo – fellow Thomasian Volunteer

Coe Tolosa & Dorothy Domingo – college dorm mates

Michelle Abalos – my boyfriend’s sister

Gheriena Cuaresma – highschool classmate

Again, God bless you and Good Luck! We’ll have a Victory Party afterwards, okay? ^_^


5 responses to “Good Luck to my future DOCTOR friends”

  1. thanks so much kath.please,please,please pray for us..:)

    1. you’re welcome! yup yup.. lagi ko naman kayo pnagdadasal.. ^_^

  2. My sincerest good lucks to all your friends. I know first-hand the pain of failing a board exam. I recited a short prayer for your friends as I’m writing this.

    Just a tip: Don’t put too much faith on prayers. Carry your fate in your arms, then samahan nyo ng faith sa prayers. Kayo lang ang bibitbit sa sarili nyo, prayer or no prayer. I learned that the hard way.

    1. thanks so much TJ! your prayers are very much appreciated. ^_^
      Gudluck on your Tj’s Daily® Store. =)

  3. […] month ago, my friends who passed the Medical Board Exams had their Oath Taking in PICC. The […]

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