Nuffnang Glitterati Member Status

I honestly don’t know about membership status change in Nuffnang. All I knew was when I get to sign up in Nuffnang, I’ll be able to earn something from my blog. Little did I know that they have upgraded my membership status as Glitterati. It says “a club exclusive for Nuffnang Bloggers”.

I clicked on “read more about glitterati” and found out that there are lots of things you can do and perks to receive when you’re a Glitterati Member.

Here are the things you enjoy when you become a member of Nuffnang’s Glitterati:

  • Glitterati Nuffnangers will earn 20-40% more than ordinary Nuffnangers.
  • Payment from advertisers come from specific terms like 60 or 90 days.
  • Advertorial Opportunities
  • 70% of the seats for Nuffnang events will be allocated to Nuffnang Glitterati AND the guests they may bring.
  • In Contests, a priority to Nuffnang Glitterati is given with 70% of the prizes to be allocated to them.
  • Exclusive membership to Innit tool developed and hosted by Nuffnang to add the additional service of driving traffic to any Nuffnang blog.

I was happy that I serve Nuffnang ads. Honestly speaking, I haven’t reach the quota to be able to get a cheque from them. I am hoping that by the year ends, I’ll be able to get one.

I already experienced one of its perks since I got tickets for SALT Special Screening tonight. Soon, I hope I can also do Advertorials with them since I heard it pays better than the ads alone. I’ll be waiting for it though. ^_^

Thanks Nuffnang for helping Filipinos be creative and supporting bloggers across nations. Keep it up! ^_^


2 responses to “Nuffnang Glitterati Member Status”

  1.  Avatar

    Hi, it is my first time to sign-up in nuffnang and i get confused.. can you be a gliterrati even if you do have adsense ads? I mean, is google adsense nuffnangu00a0competitor?nn

    1. Yes, you still can. The competitor that Nuffnang is referring are the advertising networks that originates from South East Asia. Since google adsense is based in the US. It is not considered as Nuffnang’s competitor. :)nnWelcome to Nuffnang! ^_^

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